Thursday 25 April 2019

American WWI Tank M1917

When preparing for its entry into WWI, the American military noticed that it had no tanks. Lacking time to develop one of its own, the US Army negotiated a licence to copy the existing French Renault FT tank. It was called the M1917 “Six Ton”.  It was designed to carry a two-man crew and was about the size of Jeep Cherokee or Range Rover. Due to initial problems arising from the fact that the French plans were in metric measurements that the American manufacturers couldn’t understand (or maybe the first prototypes were either very small or very large) manufacturing was severely delayed and none of the tanks were ever used in combat. This model  uses Canadian markings: after the war, the Canadians purchased 250 of the M1917s from the US Army at a cost of $240 each, which they used for training purposes. This model was built and rendered in Blender.

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