Thursday 2 December 2021

State-of-the Art Combat Communications

The Berliet CBA truck was manufactured from 1913 to 1938 by Automobiles M. Berliet SA. During that period 40,000 of the trucks were made and sold primarily to the French army. During WWI it had an in-line 5.3L engine burning petrol (gasoline). Its top speed was 25 km/h (15.5 mph.) In various configurations the trucks carried troops, supplies and ammunition to the front lines. It could also be configured as an ambulance or a mobile pigeon coop for combat communications.

This model  Is imagined as it might have looked in December, 1914 in Northern France.

 joyeux Noël !

#Berliet #truck #World_War_I #pigeons #Blender #Cycles

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