Saturday, 16 January 2021

Ready for the State Fair

This model is based on the steam powered traction engines produced by the J.I. Case Threshing Machine Company of Racine, WI, USA. These engines were built from the mid 1800’s to the early 1900’s and are typical of the style used by many American manufacturers. This particular machine was the 45 H.P. Traction Engine No. 24270 built in 1904. These tractors were used in agriculture, logging and road work. The model was made from the many photos and drawings of both original and refurbished tractors. This is my third version of the model. About 13 years ago I built a model of this tractor in SketchUp and this one is the second using Blender.

 #Case #steam #tractor #traction engine #Blender 2.91